blackList |
Enter a list of domains or (partial) URLs you don't want SWI to run on – separated by line
breaks (enter/return). |
whiteListMode |
Convert the blackList to a whitelist, such that SWI will only run on
domains (or partial URLs). |
dynamicContent |
Select which method you prefer to detect dynamically loaded web content. |
pingInterval |
The number of ms in between page checks (only when dynamicContent is
to "Periodically check web page"). |
prefix |
Prefix (checked) instead of suffix (unchecked) position for the icons placement. |
boxed |
Whether (checked) or not (unchecked) you want the icons to be displayed in a boxed container. |
boxOpacity |
The opacity percentage of the boxed container, between 0 and 1 (boxed has to
be enabled). |
boxColor |
The background color of the boxed container (boxed has to be enabled). |
boxDynamicColor |
Whether (checked) or not (unchecked) you want a dynamic background color of the boxed container, based
on the set of icons (boxColor will be ignored). |
attributes |
Select which attributes to check for. Attribute "href" is for hyperlinks and attributes "src" and
"style" are for images. Hold down the Ctrl (Windows) / Command (Mac) button to select multiple
iconsBold |
Whether (checked) or not (unchecked) you want the icons to appear bold. |
iconsScale |
The scale of the icons (1 = 100% = default). |
wantIgnores |
Whether (checked) or not (unchecked) you want to display an icon for ignored (not interested)
apps. |
wantFollowed |
Whether (checked) or not (unchecked) you want to display an icon for followed (not interested)
apps. |
wantDLC |
Whether (checked) or not (unchecked) you want to display an icon for downloadable content (DLC).
wantDecommissioned |
Whether (checked) or not (unchecked) you want to display an icon for removed or delisted
(decommissioned) apps. |
wantLimited |
Whether (checked) or not (unchecked) you want to display an icon for low confidence metric apps.
wantCards |
Whether (checked) or not (unchecked) you want to display an icon for apps with cards. |
wantBundles |
Whether (checked) or not (unchecked) you want to display an icon for previously bundled apps.
ignoredIcon |
HTML entity code for '🚫︎' (default). |
(More HTML Codes here)
ignoredColor |
Color of the icon for ignored (not interested) apps. |
wishlistIcon |
HTML entity code for '❤' (default). |
(More HTML Codes here)
wishlistColor |
Color of the icon for wishlisted apps. |
followedIcon |
HTML entity code for '★' (default). |
(More HTML Codes here)
followedColor |
Color of the icon for followed apps. |
ownedIcon |
HTML entity code for '✔' (default). |
HTML Codes here)
ownedColor |
Color of the icon for owned apps and subs. |
unownedIcon |
HTML entity code for '✘' (default). |
(More HTML Codes here)
unownedColor |
Color of the icon for unowned apps and subs. |
dlcIcon |
HTML entity code for '⇩' (default). |
Codes here)
dlcColor |
Color of the icon for downloadable content (DLC). |
decommissionedIcon |
HTML entity code for '☠' (default). |
(More HTML Codes here)
decommissionedColor |
Color of the icon for removed or delisted apps and subs. |
limitedIcon |
HTML entity code for '⚙' (default). |
(More HTML Codes here)
limitedColor |
Color of the icon for low confidence metric apps. |
cardIcon |
HTML entity code for '🂡' (default). '♠' (♠) is an alternative if this symbol
unavailable. |
HTML Codes here)
cardColor |
Color of the icon for cards. |
bundleIcon |
HTML entity code for '🎁︎' (default). uses the symbol '✽'
(More HTML Codes here)
bundleColor |
Color of the icon for bundled apps. |
userRefreshInterval |
Number of minutes to wait to refresh cached userdata. 0 = always stay up-to-date. |
dlcRefreshInterval |
Number of minutes to wait to refresh cached DLC data. 0 = always stay up-to-date, but not recommended.
decommissionedRefreshInterval |
Number of minutes to wait to refresh cached removed games data. 0 = always stay up-to-date, but not
recommended. |
limitedRefreshInterval |
Number of minutes to wait to refresh cached limited data. 0 = always stay up-to-date, but not
recommended. |
cardsRefreshInterval |
Number of minutes to wait to refresh cached trading card data. 0 = always stay up-to-date, but not
recommended. |
bundlesRefreshInterval |
Number of minutes to wait to refresh cached bundle data. 0 = always stay up-to-date, but not
recommended. |
dateOverride |
Force date display in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS style; otherwise matches system locale. |